Really? When a little girl is hit by a car and dies, there's a "reason" for this? Or when cancer strikes, there's a "reason". Or when, my washing machine dies, or my tire goes flat, there is some reason?
See, I've known those O words about God since I was a young girl. Between Sunday School and Christian elementary school, I knew that God was omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Everywhere (always present), All-powerful, and all-knowing. Somehow, we associate the all-knowing part of God with something that I think is wrong.
People usually say "everything happens for a reason" and follow it up with "God knew this was going to happen" to try to comfort people in hard times. They usually imply by the way they say it and the timing of such phrase that it is God's will for such a thing to happen and then throw in the verse about how God can use anything for good.
In my (at this time, not very humble at all) opinion, Christians needs to stop pretending that bad things happening are God's plan. Sometimes, cruddy things happen because in order to experience in the intimacy of communion with the creator of the earth, He had to give us a free will. We live in a world that has suffering and pain because we are imperfect people. Sure, God knows every single one of my days before I live them.
Sometimes, I believe God allows us to experience trials for our benefits, however, sometimes, I think we go through things simply because we live in a world with other humans. People seem to sit around unwilling to to do anything about the wrong going on simply because "God has a plan".
I realize I'm going to be okay. My family is going to be okay. My kids are going to be okay. Yet, if we become callused to hurting and the needs and lives of others, we are missing the point of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Next time you start to utter those words to someone, stop and think about them. Remember, sometimes life isn't fair. While God always has a plan and purpose for our lives, we live in a world full of free wills and we are affected by the cause and affect relationships of everyone around us. Our families, the drunk driver on the road, our bosses, ourselves, the substances we put in our bodies..... sometimes those words aren't going to do anything but cause the hurt to hurt more.
January Books
3 weeks ago