Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sick in Paradise

Here we are in Panama City Beach, "vacationing" with my parents and I feel like crud. Feverish, chills, headache, neck ache. Then someone mentions meningitis and I freak out. I have all the symptoms. One night, I had my kids pray for me, last night, my dad. He said he sensed in his spirit that there wasn't a sense of urgency so I trusted that and we stayed another night. Still, I'm in the hotel room while they're enjoying another day at the pool. James headed back to work last night.

This really stinks. It literally is beautiful here. Octavian said last night "Wasn't that a beautiful sunset, mom?" I replied, "It sure was. God is a great artist, isn't He, and He gives us a new sunset every night".

I just keep praying that I break free from what is infecting my body. I want to enjoy the rest of my parent's visit here.


  1. The worst times to be sick are holidays and vacations and such. I pray you're well soon.
