Monday, January 4, 2010

The Power To Bless and Love

In Fight Like A Girl, Lisa Bevere mentions that guests at her conferences often would compliment her calling her "real" or "free" or "transparent". She often felt like she wanted to hear the words profound, deep, or intellectually sound. She didn't want the alternative to real.....she didn't want to hear that she was fake or a fraud but she wanted something more. She said on a flight home she was reflecting more on the topic when she felt the Holy Spirit speaking to her.

Lisa, I am looking for something more. You can be a real piece of wood, and when you go into the fire, you'll come out a real pile of ashes. I am looking for more than "real" in you; I want to work with the authentic.

She went on to explain that a copy of a Monet is a real, it's just not an authentic Monet.

Is this desire I have an authentic desire for change or just some replica of something I've seen modeled? Am I ready to have God mold me into something that transforms my character. Am I ready to live by the power of the Holy Spirit and be the woman of God He's called me to be?

Romans 8 12:-14

Sisters, you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. for if you keep on following it, you will perish. But, if through the power of the Holy Spirit you turn from it and it's evil deeds, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.

Lisa says in this chapter,

The ability to live over and above our immediate emotional dictates and reactions (regardless of hormonal fluctutions) is a God-given, Spirit-breathed, gift of peace. When we are no longer motivated by the earthly human need for acceptance, we will not feel driven to repeatedly prove ourselves right. We can rise above this and be empowered to turn from the very entanglements that trap others. Christian relational dynamics should be revolutionary in a world steeped in offense, slander, and revenge. We should look different.

Truth be told. I don't always look different. The thing is, I have the gift that Jesus promised us when he left this earth. I have the Holy Spirit and I should be better at being more self controlled.

Specifically, I'm looking in the area of my husband and kids.

Along with blessing is loving. I will admit that I've faced some pretty big hurts in my life. A couple directly related to my marriage and for whatever reason, I allowed them to be root of anger in my life. I was young, and the leader I confided in did not really guide me or instruct me in how I could overcome the spiritual consequence of this battle I, by no choice of mine, found myself fighting. This battled left me scarred. I don't recall being an angry person before but now, I find myself struggling with this. There are times when something will set me off and I can see in my children's eyes a bit of fear. That verse in 1 John 4:8,

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.

Glaringly obviously just how unperfect my love is. Lisa talks about how as women, we weren't made for war like men were. While, in some cases, we may be engaged in hand to hand combat, our real purpose in war is often as agents of healing. I love this picture.

As guardians of the heart, women have the amazing power to strengthen and encourage others. As we extend this gift, we cannot help but be raised ourselves. How does this happen? We lift others by speaking strength to their weaknesses.

She does not suggest we simply ignore sin or flaws but that what we do know and what we do with it should be done in the context of understanding the power of life and death that rests in our lips. James talks about the power of the tongue in much of his book and how hard it is to tame. I think as women, we even sometimes use this power to our advantage and just as we were not made for hand to hand combat, we distort the gift God gave us and misuse it by hurting those we love by using our words in ways we know will hurt the most. I'm truly guilty of this myself.

Lisa encourages us as she says

Most people know where they are weak but long to hear the elaboration of where they are strong. Is this not what God does for us? He surrounds us with words of hope, life, promise, and restorations? What is He doing? He is modeling the power of rebuilding lives.

So that is my prayer this year. That 2010 becomes a year of rebuilding and that I become a builder by trade.

Those from among you shall build up the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. Isaiah 58:12


  1. Powerful post. I am not sure where to begin.

    I find myself often an angry person, too. And I don't even know where or when it started in my case.

    I love what Lisa said about speaking strength to people and this: "We lift others by speaking strength to their weaknesses."

    By nature we tend to dwell on our shortcomings, our flaws, the weak things. I love what you wrote about God speaking to us and being a restorer and encourager. But I sure am struggling with my flesh wanting to lash out right now.


    Thank you so much for sharing this. I think I'll reread it now.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Susanne. It's amazing how much of a struggle it really is, isn't it. I always wonder how often God is disappointed in me and my actions after He has extended so much grace my way.

    I'll be praying for you, that God gives you divine power to overcome whatever you're going through. He cares about your struggle and He wants you to overcome. It's easy to lash out and I like the verse that is in the post that says we aren't under obligation to do what our sinful nature wants to do. Praise the Lord!

  3. Thank you, Carmen. Your comment is so sweet. I reread it a few times. I loved this part especially: "It's easy to lash out and I like the verse that is in the post that says we aren't under obligation to do what our sinful nature wants to do. Praise the Lord!"

